Halvorsen TEC is changing its name to Techouse and moving its head office to Forus
With well-packed order books and contracts in place worth well over half a billion Norwegian kroner, Halvorsen TEC has put its crisis following the oil downturn well behind it. The company is now where it should be – on the offensive!
As a pre-qualified supplier to the major oil and gas operators, the company is already well underway designing and constructing its energy and water treatment systems. Its sulphate removal unit for the Johan Castberg field development is the flagship among its many projects. This contract is worth a total of NOK 450 million and was awarded jointly to Halvorsen TEC and SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions. It is the biggest project in the company’s history. The module will be built at Aker Solutions’ yard in Egersund.
It is no coincidence that it was Halvorsen TEC that drew the longest straw. Since its founding in 2002, the company’s determined efforts have succeeded in creating a unique process technology enterprise. A continuously expanding and complementary product portfolio has enabled its systems to be installed on the majority of platforms in operation in the North Sea. Moreover, the company has built up a significant group of global clients, including operators of installations in both Asia and South America.
There is great interest in the company, and the change of name represents a natural progression as it expands its global focus. From now on the spotlight is on Techouse – a technology company that offers everything from the smallest waste energy recovery systems to the design of large and fully integrated modules.
Head office moves to Forus
Construction of the Johan Castberg module for Equinor has given the company the opportunity to develop a robust project organisation. This is the reason why the company has chosen to move its head office to Forus, with a new address at Koppholen 20, 4313 Sandnes.
The name is changing, but all other legal aspects of the company will remain the same. This also applies to all the amazing employees who are so passionate about what they do, developing systems that the world has never seen before, and from which everyone benefits. Techouse currently employees 60 people, 40 at Forus and the remainder in Oslo.
For further information, please contact Svein Helge Pettersen at tel. +47 952 37 990