A message from Eric Arnold, CEO of GPS (Global Petro Storage Company) on reaching the milestone of 1 million manhours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
“As of September 1st 2019, GPS reached a critical milestone. I am genuinely proud to be able to say that GPS’s staff, together with our contractors, reached 1 million manhours without a Lost Time Injury GPS is going through rapid expansion invoving construction projects in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, providing us with various challenges across those geographies and cultures, including dealing with different standards with regards to safety management. The Safety issues we face in our day to day operations differ from those presented by a construction project, but in each situation and location, we face the constant challenges of accuracy, cost control and schedule. As pressing as those issues are, they do not relieve us of the obligation to provide a workplace that provides all the tools necessary to work safely, and one that creates the environment for all of us to excel in safety awareness and practices. In my assessment GPS will never be a success if we fail to build a culture based on those simple ideas Operating our business in a safe and responsible manner is essential to the sustainability of GPS, and achieving 1 million manhours without an LTI confirms our commitment to safety and is proof of our ability to operate our facilities and deliver our projects on par with the best in our industry I want to thank each of you for contribution to this milestone, and encourage you to continue to think and act with safety at the heart of your day to day activities.”